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Категория ролика: Стиль жизни

Рубрика: Красивый мир

Теги: море отдыха, море, красивое море, красивое море, вода в море

Video footage of a massive unidentified sea creature was caught on tape by an oil rig cam, well we've identified this rare giant sea monster and here are the facts about makes this strange creature so interesting.

This amazing deep sea creature is called the Deepstaria reticulum.

Last year the internet was abuzz when video recorded 5200 feet below the surface of the ocean showed a strange, bag like creature that seemed to investigate the man made objects that infiltrated its territory. Was this proof of aliens, an unidentified sea monster, or just an extremely rare species of jelly fish?

It was soon discovered to be deepstaria reticulum...one of the things that gave away the identity of this mysterious creature was the testicles shown at the bottom of the creature in the video. Jellyfish of the family ulmaridae. This was the second deepstaria species to be described, the first was the deepstaria enigmatica.

Named after the submersible deep star 400 when it was first observed intact during dive # 159 on October 22, 1966 by Dr. Eric G. Barham, Dr. George Pickwell and Mr. Ronald Church. You will find these mysterious creatures in the meso and bathypelagic environment...

The large animal is quite fragile, and very rare and has only been observed in 29 dives in the last 20 years using submersibles of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.

One of its closest relatives determined through DNA studies is the commonly seen medusae the Moon Jelly Aurelia Aurita.

It was described again in 1988 by Larson, Madin and Harbison noting the two species display some unique behaviors in movement and pursing of the bell margin that are unknown in other medusae.

They speculate that their feeding behavior of these medusae would be to hang vertically and motionless leaving the large bell open for upward swimming prey to swim in accidentally. Upon contact the umbrella would shut, trapping the prey who's attempts at escape would only cause it repeated stings until it is weakened.

"Bagging prey in this way s not known in other medusae."

Bag like body, covered in a mesh pattern with no noticeable tentacles.

The mesh like pattern on its body is a network of connected canals which connect back to the stomach, and using a branch digestive system, it can distribute nutrients and energy through and across masses of jelly.

The undulation of the jelly, causing it to look like its turning itself inside out is entirely because of the activities of the submersible's propellers which shoot water to propel around, its natural state is to hang motionless.

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